Job Centre

Job Advisory Centre

Our mandate is to link our own students to job opportunities. We give advice to students on available job opportunities and also support students at workplace . All our services are free and only available for all students trained by St. Anthony’s Skills Training.  

Are you currently unemployed or looking for a Skills Training ?

Whether you are looking for a job or training for the job you want, we are here for you. In fact this has been our motto for more than two decades“Changing the lives of those we serve”.

You may register for a course with St. Anthony’s Education Centre.  Click here and go through our Skills Training Centre courses 


We assist in linking to job opportunities

 Our Job  Centre focuses on creating equal opportunities in the society without discrimination . Our Job Centre team works with companies around the nation on daily basis to keep up-to date with the latest trends and demands. From these collaborations we are able to:

  • Prepare and advise students on possible job opportunities. 
  • Draft and compile CVs for students who completed the skills  training and store this record  on  ourJob Centre database for placement whenever there are available job opportunities .
  • From time to time, send out requests for job applications to previous students to apply.
  • Conduct pep talks prior to workplace based learning placement
  • Assist previous students who can not afford to pay for CV amending, emailing, and scanning services.
  • Match and link students to temporary / permanent  jobs,  learnerships  / apprenticeships opportunities.
  • Negotiate with potential employers to offer workplace based learning for students.
  • Respond to the needs of  companies we partnered with as a training provider.

Note: We advise students to contact the centre when they change or update their contact numbers so that they are traceable when opportunities become available.

Once placed we offer the following support


  • We offer  extended support to students placed through us. When there is need for clarity with adapting to workplace.
  • We advise and assist with opening of bank accounts and SARS income tax registration.
  • Periodically, contact is made with students placed.
  • There is intervention from the centre when the need arises at the workplace.
  • Follow through on stipend / contract issues from time to time.
  • After completion of workplace based learning, we advise and assist in requesting  for UIF Claim forms after stipend payment .

For more information please email:


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