Qualification Title:
Automative Workshop Assistance Phase 2
Qualification ID:
SP 0564/11-17
SAQA ID: 64810
NQF Level 2
Minimum Entry Requirements :
- Grade 10
- Certified ID copy
- Age 16 years and above
- Be able to perform physical requirements for the trade
* Course fee. : R 8500
* Registration fee is : R1 000 Non-refundable
Total payment amount : R9500
If student is sponsored by a Company :
* Course fee. : R11500
* Registration fee. : R1000
* Total payment. : R12500
* Note: Total payment of R12500 to be paid prior to starting of the training . This applies to all students sponsored by companies.
Registration fee : R1000
Deposit amount: 50%x R8500 =R4250
2nd payment : R2125
3rd payment : R2125
Total payment amount : R9500
*Note: Students are only allowed to start training after first deposit has been fully paid as stated above.
Registration fee : R1000
Deposit amount : R3000
2nd payment : R2750
3rd payment : R2750
Total payment amount : R9500
*Note: Students are only allowed to start training after first deposit has been fully paid as stated above.
Special Note: Bursary funds are limited. Bursaries are not guaranteed and they are subject to availability funds and approval. An application for a bursary is not a guarantee that the bursary will be awarded.
This Qualification is accredited by Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (MerSETA)
ID |
ID |
Core |
Demonstrate understanding of the principles of fluid power |
Level 2 |
6 |
Core |
Select, use and care for engineering measuring equipment |
Level 2 |
4 |
Core |
Understand the fundamentals of engine technology |
Level 3 |
4 |
Fundamental |
Access and use information from texts |
Level 2 |
5 |
Fundamental |
Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems |
Level 2 |
3 |
Fundamental |
Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems |
Level 2 |
3 |
Fundamental |
Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts |
Level 2 |
3 |
Fundamental |
Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication |
Level 2 |
5 |
Fundamental |
Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes |
Level 2 |
5 |
Fundamental |
Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life |
Level 2 |
2 |
Fundamental |
Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems |
Level 2 |
5 |
Elective |
Balance a wheel |
Level 2 |
2 |
Elective |
Cut materials using the oxy-fuel gas cutting process (manual cutting) |
Level 2 |
6 |
Elective |
Demonstrate basic knowledge of hydraulic components |
Level 2 |
3 |
Elective |
Demonstrate basic knowledge of pneumatic components |
Level 2 |
3 |
Elective |
Inspect and lubricate an automotive system |
Level 2 |
8 |
Elective |
Lift and move a load using manual lifting equipment and tackle |
Level 2 |
8 |
Elective |
Perform basic welding/joining of metals |
Level 2 |
8 |
Duration :
3 months
Term 1: January to March
Term 2: April to June
Term 3: July to September
Term 4: October to December